Friday, 25 February 2011



PrestaShop Wiki

Installing And Updating PrestaShop Software

Table of Contents

Whether you are a computer expert or novice, the PrestaShop™ e-Commerce solution lets you take any business online.

Because PrestaShop is accessed via any standard Web browser, you can manage it from any computer in the world that has Internet access. Update your homepage, add new products, check on order status—all you need is your PrestaShop username and password.

This Getting Started guide will show you how to:

  1. Verify that you can meet all system requirements.
  2. Install or update PrestaShop on your hosting server.
  3. Configure the PrestaShop Back Office :
    1. Create your own graphical theme and make changes to logos and other images.
    2. Build your product catalog : Import a product database, create categories and subcategories, register your products and their images, attributes, and features.
    3. Install and configure your payment module(s). (Contact us directly for information on purchasing payment modules for specific banks.)
    4. Configure other elements such as shipping costs, currencies, taxes, notification e-mails, and languages.
    5. Select which products to display on the homepage as New Products, Top Sellers, and Featured Products.
  4. Open your Web store!

System Requirements

Updated 17 January 2011

Before downloading or installing anything, you need to provide a home for your PrestaShop online store. This means it needs to reside on a Web server. You might have a Web server of your own, but it is more likely that you have or will have your shop hosted by an Internet hosting service.

PrestaShop can host your online business on its in-house Web servers; please consult for details on our low-priced, secure Website hosting service. This is highly recommended for businesses with little or no experience with the Internet or computers. Naturally, we install PrestaShop for you.

Whichever hosting service you use must have the following components installed on your server space:

  • Linux, Unix, or Windows
  • Apache Web server
  • PHP 5.0 or later. (You may have to activate PHP 5 on your hosting service.)
  • MySQL 4.1.14 or later

Install PrestaShop

Updated 17 January 2011

Now that you have the necessary components installed on your hosting server, there are a few things to check before installing the PrestaShop e-Commerce software.

  1. Create a database for your store, or use the database designated by your hosting company.
  2. Turn on GD Library functionality. On a default installation of PHP, the GD Library is turned off. The standard Windows instructions are:
    1. In the root directory of your PHP folder, open the php.ini file.
    2. Uncomment the line extension=php_gd2.dll (about half-way through the file, in the middle of a long list of extensions) by deleting the ;
    3. Restart the services.
  3. Download the PrestaShop e-Commerce solution software.
  4. Unzip the PrestaShop ZIP archive anywhere on your hard drive.
  5. Upload the contents (not the folder itself) of the /prestashop folder to the root directory (e.g., of your hosting server via FTP. You can also upload the files to a subdirectory you’ve created (e.g., if you wish to keep your root homepage separate.
  6. While you have your FTP connected to your Web hosting server, make sure the following PrestaShop folders have ‘write’ permissions (also known as “CHMOD 777” – explanation of file permissions here) but do not apply these permissions recursively (to their subfolders): /config, /upload, /download, /tools/smarty/compile. Then make sure the following folders have ‘write’ permissions and apply these permissions recursively (to their subfolders): /img, /mails, /modules, /themes/prestashop/lang, /translations
  7. In a Web browser, launch the Installer by adding install to your shop’s URL (e.g.,
  8. Upon completing the PrestaShop Installer wizard, use your FTP software to navigate to your /prestashop folder. There, delete the /install folder and rename the /admin folder(for example, /admin123 or, even better, /xyz789). This is for security reasons. If later you forget the name you gave the /admin folder, you can confirm its name via your FTPbrowser.

Congratulations! Installation is now complete.

Log in to the PrestaShop Back Office and start filling out your product catalog and configuring the many settings to suit your tastes and needs.

Note: Regularly back up your database, ideally on different computers, in case of problems related to hardware or security.

Keep a test version handy!

After you have completed setting up your shop to get it just the way you want it, but before officially opening it to the buying public, we strongly recommend you install a test version on your personal computer (using WAMP for Windows, MAMP for Mac, or LAMP) for Linux) or elsewhere on your hosting server.

This second version will be useful as a pre-production environment in which you can carry out all future changes to your PrestaShop online store without affecting the live version. This way, if an error should occur, your live store remains unchanged.

Note : This method is for modifying PrestaShop application files only. Do not use a test version of the SQL database.

After you have confirmed that your test version works as it should, copy the test version over the live version. (It is best to do this after peak usage hours.)

Update PrestaShop

Updated 17 January 2011

  1. To save your translations, in your current Back Office >> Tools >> Translations, exporteach language using the built-in Export tool.
  2. In your server database admin, back up your database.
  3. Via FTP, in the PrestaShop folder on your hosting server (e.g.,, create a backup copy of your current PrestaShop folder by renaming it (e.g.,
  4. Download the latest version of the PrestaShop e-Commerce solution software.
  5. Unzip the new PrestaShop ZIP archive anywhere on your hard drive.
  6. Upload via FTP the new PrestaShop files located in the unzipped prestashop folder (and not the folder itself) to a new PrestaShop directory (e.g.,
  7. If you had previously modified the contents of the /mails folder, copy the contents of your backup copy of /mails to the new build’s /mails folder.
  8. Copy the contents of your backup copy of the /img folder to the new build’s /img folder.
  9. If you had added any extra modules to your default version of PrestaShop, copy the added modules from the backup copy of /modules to the new build’s /modules folder.
  10. If you had installed some modules which keep their configuration inside a file (instead of the database) such as the “editorial” module (which use the editorial.xml file to store your content) you will have to copy them from your backup to your current module folder (e.g., “/modules/editorial/”).
  11. If you had previously modified the .htaccess file, merge the contents of the old and new .htaccess files, deleting any duplicate information. Do not replace one with the other.
  12. If applicable, copy the content of your /download directory to the new build’s /downloadfolder.
  13. If applicable, copy your customized themes subfolder (e.g., /themes/mythemes) from the backup /themes folder to the new build’s /themes parent folder.
    • Note: If you had made changes to the default theme itself (not recommended; please see Create a customized Theme for the proper procedure), running the updater will therefore erase your changes. To recover the changes you had made to the default theme, create a new customized themes folder (for example, /themes/mythemes) in the new build and then transfer into it the contents of the old default theme folder located in your backup copy of PrestaShop.
  14. Copy the file from the backup folder /config to the new build’s /configfolder.
  15. In a Web browser, launch the Installer by adding /install to your shop’s URL (e.g., and select update at the beginning of the process.

Note: Regularly back up your database, ideally on different computers, in case of problems related to hardware or security.

Uninstall PrestaShop

PrestaShop is very easy to uninstall:

  1. Stop the web server and your database on which PrestaShop is installed.
  2. Delete the folder ‘PrestaShop’ (or the name you gave it after the installation, if you renamed it) from the current directory of your Web server (generally ‘www’).
  3. Delete your PrestaShop database.

WARNING: You will lose all information related to your customers, orders, invoices, and products.

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