Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Bring into Being a Trendy Relationship


Rule N.6

Travel from time to time! With no "guides"!

- A journey round the world would be an unique experience for both of you. As sure as eggs is eggs. But... If you will rush into wandering worldwide without him, the story would be more stunning!

- When you'll come back and relate stories about all those miraculous things you've seen over there, right over the Ocean... About that jumbo dildo that you've noticed and touched in that African tribe... Oh, believe me! He will delight those awesome moments right through your eyes!

- Just imagine how happy he will be to see you back. Again in his strong arms... I suppose it deserves the effort, ah?

- Trips are real spiritual experiences that everyone of us should make all alone (from time to time). They can help to rediscover yourself as an individual. And there is not a catastrophe that he is absent during your spiritual trips.

Rule N.7

Everyone with... his/her own bathroom

- He will never understand the reasons why you stay around three hours between these 4 walls. He will never accept the idea that you need creams, peeling lotions, moisturizing potions and mascara for sensible eyes...

- Bath-room! That's not a room for you to take a 5 minutes shower, clean your teeth and Voila! Basta for this morning!

- So, instead of hearing the same mottoes and comments about the infinite hours you spend in your bathroom, better absence!

- And moreover, I am sure that you don't want to be caught in the process of... epilation!

- The solution is as simple as ABC! Two bathrooms! Thus he will never complain, you will never be angry with him and the misunderstandings between you will solve as a matter of course.

Rule N.8

Don't bother him with visits to your relatives

- No matter how much you love your Mom and those 5 naughty kids of your sister, don't "trail" your man to their birthday parties!

- Even though your family won't "devour" him, all they will analyze him from head to toes. For sure! Of course, he may not feel comfortable and chilled-out. That's just during the first encounter...

- Next time it will be worse... He will have to politely communicate with you lovely Mom and feel like a piece of meat which is thoroughly analyzed by a potential mother-in-law.

- How would you feel in his mother's clutches... without having no way out! Uhhh! This image gives you horrors, doesn't it?

Rule N.9

Think of a better job (better than his)

- Your lover has a job that involves lots of responsibilities. His wage is truly "marvelous" and he doesn't face any difficulties in providing you with presents and financial support.

- But... The world starts to belong to female CEOs and to those ladies who earn exorbitant sums of money.

- So, "prepare" your mind and body for 20 hours of work per day. Let him stay home, cook cakes, make vegetarian salads for you and entertain your children.

- Do you think you are condemned to lead your life in front of a pot and a bad-paid job? The Middle Ages has passed. So, make the most of your opportunities and make your life more thrilling.

- You are beautiful, clever, young and ready for new chances. You can obtain every profession you like, be it of a cosmonaut or a pilot of Formula 1.

Rule N.10

Experiment under sheets!

- "Is sex dirty? - Only if it's done right." This famous saying belongs to Woody Allen and the man is right.

- When speaking about sex - it's like in the kitchen. The clue is to experiment. As long as you are together, don't hesitate to explore your world of sexuality.

- Try out new things and sex positions, sex toys and kinky games for chasing the boredom away. Welcome his sexual fantasies and let them come true.

- And once you find everything you need and make you both happy within your bedroom, be sure infidelity will stay far away from you.

Good luck!

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