Sunday 17 October 2010

Affiliates Have Made US$ 300.000 last 10 months


Dear affiliate marketer,

Plain and simple, we pay you 60% from each $96.83 (which is $53.01) sale you generate for us. This is one of the highest payouts in the clickbank marketplace...and definitely the highest in our Lotto niche.

Plus, because we know you work so hard, you'll get 60% of all the sales that we are making from your traffic for 60 days: backend offers, thank you page recommendations, broadcasts to the lists, etc.

Another thing that put us on the top is our outstanding conversion.

Targeted traffic or not, we deliver the goods. We have tested our sales process on numerous non-targeted lists, with a 4 follow up emails, our average return is $2.7/ visitor (proof below). And that was when we first started...

Sign up to our $10,000/month Affiliate Secrets newsletter, and we'll send you a complete plan of how some of our affiliates are making great money without even using ppc. Here are some of the topics our FREE in-depth Affiliate Secrets course covers when you sign up:

- the secret email secquence that generated us 567 sales from 12,138 clicks that's 4.67% conversion (on non-targeted traffic)
- how to get tons of free traffic that actually converts.
- article marketing exposed
- SEO (search engine optimization): tips & tricks
- the power of clickbank tracking id
- social media secrets...and how you can get tens of thousands of visitors at no cost

Why didn't I mention ppc? Because bidding on "lottery" terms is banned in all of the search engines. That just shows how hot this niche is!… Other affiliates are making great money with us without ppc ... and you can do it, too. Eliminating ppc traffic means more money in your pocket for each sale!.

Sign up below and I'll send you the $10K/month affiliate lessons directly to your email. Please be sure you check your spam or bulk folders in case the email gets filtered by mistake.

Privacy Statement: we will 100% resepect your privacy. We NEVER share, rent or sell your email address because we know that's not what you're signing up for, and we respect you.

We Did Good! We're Doing Even Better...

The screenshot below was taken on March 19, 2010. As you can see the conversion skyrocketed somewhere at the beginning of March. Why? Because we've added a few elements to the letter that made it even more powerful. Our affiliates are thrilled with the results.

Just think how much money the affiliates are making, if our 40% share is delivering these numbers!. I'm only showing you these numbers because I truly believe that anyone can make money with our sales process. The fact is, there are lotto players are all over the world (and some of them are fanatical about their game) so you have endless possibilities for getting cheap traffic.

I remember a guy, John N, a newbie in affiliate marketing telling me that he had created an ezine article... he had 233 visits to his article and sent 133 clicks on our site. How much money did he make? He made 5 sales...and $265.05 in total for just 30 minutes of work, he was amazed!

I won’t guarantee that you will get rich with our offer, although it is very possible to make a lot of money if you follow our advice, in fact many have and still are making great money. But what I can guarantee you is that THIS OFFER IS CONVERTING LIKE CRAZY.

In this period we have a great contest where you can win an
Apple IPad- 32gb. Check out the hot details
by clicking here...

Bonus structure

Total sales required
Your bonus payout
100 - 199 sales per month
Extra $3 per sale
100 sales = $5,301 commission+ $300 bonus
200 - 299 sales per month
Extra $4 per sale
200 sales = $10,602 commission + $800 bonus
+300 sales per month
Extra $7/sale
300 sales = $15,903 commission + $2,100 bonus

Yes that's right... if you make 300 or more sales in 1 month you will receive not only an EXTRA $7/sale...But not only that but you'll also get a great physical bonus from us like an ipod or a TV PLASMA.


• You may use multiple Clickbank ID's however you must provide solid proof that you own every ID.
• Refunded sales and charge backs do not count towards your total sales count. They get subtracted from your total sales.
• Only sales from the vendor ID "lottobook" will count.
• Back end sales and discount sales do not count towards the total sales count. For example, only item 1 will count per customer.
• The 100% commission may not be exactly for every sale. It can vary between a few cents depending on sales tax.
• Bonus payout's will be paid at the start of every month for the previous month. So make sure you contact us on the 1st of every month for your bonus.
• Bonus payout's will only be paid via PayPal if the amount is below $1,000.00. Exceptions made if the value is greater than $1,000.
• A reserve amount may be held to cover future refunds. This amount will vary depending on your sales volume and is at our discretion.
• The 1 month period is run on "Clickbank Time". 1 Month = Jan 1st to Jan 31st, September 1st to September 30th etc.
• This bonus payment scheme is valid from March 1st and will last until AT LEAST December 31 2010. (Guaranteed)
• We will revise the offer on the 31st of December. Depending on it's success, it may or may not continue.
All bonus payout's must be claimed within 7 days of the following month. If this does not happen you will not get your bonus for that month.

To claim your bonus please contact us here. Provide your Clickbank ID, your paypal email and the number of sales you have made for each of the products that count towards your total sales. We will reply asap and send your payment through within 7 days. Usually within 24 hrs. Remember, we may hold a reserve for up to 8 weeks to cover refunds.

Also remember: If you do not contact me with your affiliate ID and PayPal address I can not send you your bonus payout. We might choose to wire your bonus...depending on the amount you need to receive. Affiliates Feedback:

" I haven't seen such conversion since 2004"

To be honest with you I hesitated a bit when I first saw your program. I was affraid that if ppc is not allowed on lotto terms I won't make money. I was wrong. I started with a few small articles posted on free articles sites ...and the results were instant. In the first day I got 3 sales. The second, 5. Now I've expanded my avenues of gathering traffic. To be honest with you the conversion rocks. I've never seen such a conversion since the early days of 2004.

Mark K. -

If you currently have a client list, an on-line newsletter, a website, a blog, forum, write on-line articles, you can easily make money by promoting this lottery book. As a matter of fact, if you follow some of the marketing techniques I'll teach you in the affiliate newsletter above, you'll learn how some of my affiliates are making over $2000/day in commissions promoting this product. I know that sounds insane (especially if you're a beginner affiliate), but it's time to stop thinking small, and start thinking BIG!

Want to see proof of just how much income some of my affiliates are making by selling I'm going to do something that very few other clickbank publishers have the balls to do... I'm going to show you a screenshot inside my publisher clickbank account and you can see all of the top affiliates and just how many sales they're making.

I blotted out the affiliate id's for privacy reasons. You'll see that my top affiliate made 192 sales in a two week period...that's over 12 sales/day! Even more impressive is that none of the top affiliates have used ppc to get their sales.

Take a look at some of the stats:

1st highest selling affiliate: 192 sales (14 sales/day avg.)
2nd highest selling affiliate:
148 sales (10 sales/day avg.)
3rd highest selling affiliate:
126 sales (9 sales/day avg.)
4th highest selling affiliate:
120sales (9 sales/day avg.)

...and above on the left corner you can see how many affiliates are subscribed to our program: 1,247. Why such a high number?? It has a lot to do with word of mouth… But of course not all of them are making sales...I just want to point out that this offer is hot. Very hot! It's no wonder why we are #1 program on clickbank for "lotto" keywords. We slaughtered the previous #1 in less than 2 months after our launch... after they dominated the niche for 4 years. It's all about a great sales process and rewarding our affiliates… After all this is a business relationship we take very seriously!

Here is the screenshot for proof:

Why would I show you these stats? Is it to make you feel bad because you might not be making this kind of sales? Of course not!

Rather, I wanted to show you this to motivate you so that you can see the potential here and the types of sales volumes that many of the affiliates are achieving with our product. You can see that many affiliate marketers make a lot of money just by selling this one product alone. It’s one of the reasons we’ve become one of the best selling products on clickbank.

Now that you're motivated with the possibilities here, go out there and get cranking on the promotions!

The Lotto Black Book ebook program has been the #1 best selling lottery ebook in the world over the last 6 months (as you can verify by the clickbank popularity rankings). This ebook is sharing the lotto pattern to people who want to hit the lotto jackpot. It's an ebook that increases the odds for a player by 100% to 1000%. Our testimonials are real...but of course not all people who purchase the book will win the big prize.

If you are interested in becoming a clickbank affiliate of, here is the basic info:

Once you subscribe below and go on the next page you'll find all you need to start promoting today. The rest of the "secrets" will be sent directly to your email address.

Simply Enter Your ClickBank ID Below
If you don't have a ClickBank I
D, Click Here

Your First Name :
Your E-Mail :
Your ClickBank ID:

Your privacy is safe!

Best of luck,

Paul Marino - Aff Manager for

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